October 9, 2019
Definition: A plant or animal species that originates or grows naturally in a particular country or region; native
In the Forest Garden: Trees for the Future works with local forestry specialists and Forest Garden farmers to identify the appropriate tree species for each Forest Garden. While Trees for the Future farmers plant a wide variety of plants and trees, most of the trees planted are either indigenous or naturalized to the given environment, meaning they already exist and grow in that country.
For Forest Garden farmers, the primary concern is not indigenous vs. non-native, but rather, of invasiveness. Whether a species is invasive or not is a complex issue; the same species may or may not be considered invasive, depending on local environmental conditions. Because of this complexity, Trees for the Future works with the communities themselves to identify the best tree species for each place we operate.
Did you know? Faidherbia albida also called Acacia albida is indigenous to many African countries and is commonly considered one of the best agroforestry trees for intercropping in fields and coppicing.
Faidherbia albida Products:
Faidherbia albida Agroforestry Uses:
Learn more about agroforestry trees in Module 9: Popular Agroforestry Tree Species For more information on how we select tree species to plant visit, https://trees.org/faqs/