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Transplanting - /tran(t)sˈplant-iNG/ - noun

May 1st, 2019

Definition: The technique of moving a plant from one location to another. Most often, transplanting consists of moving a plant started from seed in optimal conditions and replanting it in another growing location.

General transplanting tips:

Never handle plants by their stems – Stems are vital to a plant’s health. The stems on transplants tend to be soft and easily damaged. When transplanting try always to hold plants either by gently cupping the root ball from the bottom, or by holding them by the leaves which are no great loss to the plant if they get damaged.

Water directly before and after transplanting – Plants need water as soon as they are transplanted. Do not leave fresh transplants in the ground for longer than 15 minutes before watering. If you see that transplants begin to wilt, water them immediately.

Transplant in the early morning or late afternoon – The sun is hot, especially in the middle of the day. For increased transplant success, only transplant early in the morning, or late in the afternoon to give them time to establish before facing the heat.

Transplant on time – Transplanting too early means young plants are not hardy enough to handle the stress of transplanting. Transplanting too late means young plants have started to outgrow the nursery and run the risk of having their roots damaged as they are removed from one another.
