Definition: Also known as relay planting, the technique of planting the same crop at staggered intervals to extend the period of production for that specific crop.
Succession planting in the Forest Garden:
One of the main objectives of the Forest Garden Approach is for farmers in the program is to develop a reliable, year-round income and food security stream. Through seasonal calendars and market analysis, Forest Gardeners can plan when crops grow best, how long their life cycles are, and at which times of the year they will fetch the best prices. Techniques like succession planting allow them to make the most of every harvest.
When succession planting, farmers start a crop in one section of their permagarden or Forest Garden at the early end of the production season, then plant another section as that crop is maturing. By the time the first crop is harvested and sold or consumed, they will have the second crop nearly ready for harvest. This way, farmers can extend their production over longer periods to avoid bringing their entire crop to harvest at once, where prices may be lower, or extensive production may go to waste.