September 7, 2022

Asexual Propagation - noun

Definitions: A category of plant reproduction that involves taking vegetative parts of a plant – such as stems, roots, or leaves – and placing them under the proper conditions to regenerate into a new plant.

Asexual Propagation in the Forest Garden:

While Forest Gardeners benefit from sexual propagation simply through cultivating their crops from seed, many also leverage the benefits of certain techniques of asexual reproduction to grow some of the crops in their Forest Gardens.  

As the name suggests, one characteristic of asexual propagation is that it only requires one parent. A crucial benefit is that it can accelerate growth, leading to much earlier production than sexually propagated plants. This can make all the difference to farming families who have converted to Forest Gardening and are looking for a quick return on their investment. 

Throughout September, we’ll be focusing on various asexual propagation techniques with each Agroforestry Word of the Week. These include grafting, budding, and cuttings.

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