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Agroforestry Tree  /ˌaɡrōˈfôrəstrē trē/ – noun  

January 9, 2019

Definition: A tree that is purposefully grown to provide more than one significant contribution to the environment or people’s livelihoods.

Synonym: Multipurpose tree

Example: A popular agroforestry tree is the Sesbania spp. known for its many benefits.Farmers often use it for:

  • Alley Cropping: Sesbania is easy to establish, it grows rapidly, and coppices readily, providing high-nutrient mulch and making it a promising tree for alley cropping.

  • Soil Reclamation: It is commonly planted on fallow land because of its fast growth and nitrogen-fixing characteristics. Harvested leaves and stems make a rich compost or green fertilizer.

  • Wood: Highly coppiceable, it is a popular source for fuelwood and charcoal because it produces a high amount of woody biomass in a short time which, although soft, is relatively smokeless, quick kindling, and hot burning. 

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